Stay tasteful while tasting at the Good Food & Wine Shows in 2023
Published 23 Jan, 2023
With over 600 wines available to taste at every Good Food & Wine Show (GFWS), it can be easy for some visitors to get a little bit excited. To help wine lovers keep track of their tastings and understand how many tastings add up to a standard drink, the DrinkWise Stay tasteful while tasting materials will be on offer at all GFWS again in 2023.
DrinkWise tasting tracker / scratchie cards
- The DrinkWise Stay tasteful while tasting scratchie card is a simple and fun way for wine lovers to keep track of their tastings and have a safe and enjoyable experience at the GFWS.
- The scratchie cards will be placed in every wine tasting glass from the GFWS merchandise and Citi concierge sites.
- The scratchies enable visitors to track their tastings and understand that six 15ml wine tastings equate to roughly one standard drink. Each time you have a 15ml tasting scratch off a panel to keep track of your consumption.
- The cards have four glasses on them in line with Australian government recommendation that healthy Australian adults should not consume more than four standard drinks on any one day.
Keep an eye out for our Stay Tasteful while Tasting reminders at the Good Food & Wine Shows.
Water stations at the venues
Signage at the venues
Tasting Trackers in every tasting glass
Big screen messaging in The Kitchen by Harris Scarfe
RIEDEL Drinks Lab