Meet Chef Pierre-Marie Leprince
Published 11 Jul, 2018Director of Guest Culinary Experience at Princess Cruises Chef Pierre-Marie Leprince knows a thing or two about cooking. We found out how he creates his delicious menus and puts them together at sea!
How many dishes go through your ships in a year/day/month?
I’m not sure how you define dishes, but we basically serve three meals a day, to every passenger onboard each 17 ships. So above 45 million meals/ year.
What are some challenges of cooking at sea?
We spend time carefully choosing the best ingredients so quality remains optimal during the cruise and careful menu planning. Plus a flameless kitchen poses its challenges!
What is your favourite type of cuisine?
The cuisine that fits the envy of the moment, from a great Taco by the poolside to Classic French, Chinese or innovative, surprising…. it must meet the expectations of that envy…nothing less!
What will never leave your menus?
Love and care.
What’s the most popular dish?
A Classic Caesar Salad.
What is the most number of dishes produced in one day during your tenure working with Princess Cruises?
12000 meals served on the Majestic Princess for the inaugural celebration in Shanghai.
What is your favourite thing to eat when you are on dry land?
Oysters & Escargots!
Chef Pierre-Marie Leprince