Terms & Conditions of entry to the Good Food & Wine Show
Published 05 Jul, 2024Canvassing
Visitors agree they will not promote their products and services to exhibitors while attending the event. Visitors found in breach of this rule will be asked to leave the event immediately.
Photography & Filming
Visitors agree that they will not photograph, or video exhibitors’ stands or products without consent of the exhibitor. Visitors found in breach of this rule may be asked to leave the event and be refused entry at future events. Visitors may be filmed or photographed during the event which may be used for promotional use.
The Organiser reserves the right to use all or part of any material generated (photographs, film footage, or any detail) for the purpose of the Good Food & Wine Show, or for publication online, in print or other broadcast media, for publicity, promotional materials or campaigns related to the event. Please advise a team member if you do not wish for your image to be used.
Dietary Intolerances & Allergies
Individuals with dietary intolerance or allergies should check ingredients prior to purchase and consumption to ensure suitability. The Organisers accept no responsibility for allergen free status or other ingredients of food products (including any claim arising in any manner out of such food or beverages not being allergen free) available for sale or sampling at the event, and the Organiser is indemnified by the exhibitor in accordance with clause 18 of the conditions of contract. This includes food outlets.
Responsible Consumption of Alcohol
The Organisers encourage the responsible consumption of alcohol and visitors are subject to relevant liquor laws relating to underage drinking, intoxication and public safety. Alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 18. We reserve the right to request proof of age identification. Any person deemed intoxicated or behaving inappropriately may be asked to leave in which case re-entry will not be permitted. Do not leave personal belongings unattended, the Organiser’s accept no responsibility for lost or stolen items at the event.
Visitors agree that they will not seek to obtain entry to the venue if displaying symptoms of covid-19 or have undertaken a COVID-19 test recently with results pending.